CWCapital Markets Update - Special Edition March 2020

In This Issue

This special issue of the CWCapital Markets Update analyzes the potential ramifications of two macro events that can only be described as extreme outliers, the COVID-19 crisis and the simultaneous collapse of world oil market prices. The resulting global public health crisis, restrictions on movement, and crippling of world economies are unprecedented in our lifetimes. At this point in time, the full extent and duration of these events cannot be determined. However, we can do our best to stay on top of the developing situation to identify both risks and opportunities. Our report contains information gathered from several public sources as well as our own proprietary research.

CWCapital introduces the Macro Tracker, a one-page summary of many aspects of the CRE Markets and broad market indicators. In addition, we show where we see risk and opportunity in the CRE industry.

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